The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Still River Shell
User and Reference Guide
Abridged Diskette Version 2.58
January 14, 1989
(c) Copyright Bill White 1984-89
All rights reserved.
Still River Shell
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 License 1
1.1 Bearer License 1
1.2 User Support 1
1.3 Registration Cost and System Updates 2
1.4 System Development and User Feedback 3
1.5 Acknowledgments 4
Chapter 2 User Guide: Getting Started 8
2.1 The Still River Shell 8
2.2 Optional Performance Consideration 9
2.3 Note of Caution 10
2.4 Installation 11
2.4.1 Program Installation 11
2.4.2 Starting the Shell 11
2.4.3 When To Start The Shell 12
2.4.4 How to Use The Shell 12
2.5 Documentation Organization 13
2.6 Demonstration Sessions 14
2.6.1 Set Up 14
2.6.2 Initial Screen 15
2.6.3 Using the <selector> 16
2.6.4 Setting the Color Options 16
2.6.5 Sample Session - Sample 1 17
2.6.6 Sample Session - Sample 2 25
Chapter 3 User Guide: Command Usage 33
3.1 Usage 33
Still River Shell
3.1.1 Command Syntax 33
3.1.2 Command Window 33
3.1.3 Command Set 34
3.1.4 Command Selection 34
3.1.5 Command Edit 34
3.1.6 Command Edit When Tagging 36
3.1.7 Command Execution 37
3.1.8 Command Execution When Tagging 37
3.1.9 Command Response 37
3.1.10 Command File Set 38
3.1.11 Command Selected Set 38
3.1.12 Command Extensions 38 Query 39 Medium Replacement 39 Target File Protection 40
3.1.13 File Tagging (Hidden) 40
3.1.14 User Defined Commands 41
Chapter 4 Shell Commands 43
4.1 ATTR 44
4.1.1 ARCHIVE, subcommand 44
4.1.2 HIDDEN, subcommand 44
4.1.3 READ-ONLY, subcommand 44
4.1.4 SYSTEM, subcommand 45
4.2 CHDIR 46
4.3 COPY 47
4.4 DELETE 49
4.5 FIND 51
4.6 INFO 56
4.7 LIST 57
4.8 MOVE 60
4.9 OPTIONS 62
4.9.1 CHANGE, subcommand 63
Still River Shell
4.9.2 READ, subcommand 63
4.9.3 SAVE, subcommand 64
4.9.4 Option (1) 64
4.9.5 Option (2) 65
4.9.6 Option (3) 65
4.9.7 Option (4) 66
4.9.8 Option (5) 66
4.9.9 Option (6) 67
4.9.10 Option (7) 67
4.9.11 Option (8) 67
4.9.12 Option (9) 68
4.9.13 Option (10) 68
4.9.14 Option (11) 69
4.9.15 Option (12) 70
4.9.16 Option (13) 70
4.9.17 Option (14) 70
4.9.18 Option (15) 70
4.9.19 Option (16) 71
4.9.20 Option (17) 71
4.10 OTHER 73
4.10.1 ATTR, subcommand 73
4.10.2 INFO, subcommand 73
4.10.3 OPTIONS, subcommand 73
4.10.4 WRITE, subcommand 74
4.11 PREVIOUS (PRV) 75
4.12 RENAME 76
4.13 SORT 77
4.13.1 ATTRIBUTE, subcommand 77
4.13.2 DATE/TIME, subcommand 77
4.13.3 EXTENSION, subcommand 77
4.13.4 NAME, subcommand 78
4.13.5 PHYSICAL, subcommand 78
4.13.6 SIZE, subcommand 78
4.14 TAG 79
Still River Shell
4.14.1 TAG, subcommand 80
4.14.2 <ALT>+TAG, subcommand 80
4.14.3 DETAG, subcommand 80
4.14.4 <ALT>+DETAG, subcommand 80
4.14.5 FLIP, subcommand 80
4.14.6 <ALT>+FLIP, subcommand 80
4.14.7 RANGE, subcommand 81
4.14.8 <SPACE_BAR>, subcommand 81
4.15 TREE 82
4.15.1 LIST, subcommand 82
4.15.2 MAKE, subcommand 82
4.15.3 REMOVE, subcommand 83
4.15.4 UP, subcommand 83
4.16 VIEW 84
4.16.1 AGAIN, subcommand 85
4.16.2 FIND, subcommand 85
4.16.3 HEX, subcommand 86
4.16.4 <CR>, subcommand 87
4.17 WRITE 88
4.18 XDOS 89
4.19 <function_key> <Fn> 93
Chapter 5 User Guide: Still River Shell
Techniques 97
5.1 Command <function_key> Usage 97
5.1.1 User Defined <command_server>
Files 98
5.1.2 User Command Key Definition
Standards 99
5.1.3 User Command Key Help 100
5.1.4 Print a File 100
5.1.5 Edit a File 101
5.1.6 Execute a File 101
Still River Shell
5.1.7 Transmit a File 101
5.1.8 Backup the Set 102
5.1.9 Shell Help 102
5.2 Using TAG 102
5.2.1 A <tag_set> 103
5.2.2 Tag Object 103
5.2.3 Tag Duration 103
5.2.4 Commands Using <Tag_Set> 103
5.2.5 Command Edit With Tagged Files 104
5.2.6 Multiple Object Command
Execution 104
5.2.7 COPY, DELETE, and MOVE
Execution With Tagged Files 104
5.2.8 <function_key>s with Tagged
Files 105
5.2.9 XDOS with Tagged Files 105
5.2.10 Tagging Examples 106
5.3 High Performance Option 108
5.4 Second Operand Selection 108
5.5 Restoring the Screen 110
5.6 Medium Replacement 111
5.6.1 Insufficient Space 111
5.6.2 Change of System Default Drive
Medium 111
5.7 Backup a Directory 112
5.8 Restore a Directory 112
5.9 Rename a Directory 113
5.10 Saving and Using Shell File Lists 114
5.11 Hints For Using Hard Disks 114
5.11.1 Shared Logic Directory 115
5.11.2 Prevent Accidental Formatting 116
5.11.3 Improve Hard Disk Performance 116
5.12 Memory Usage 117
Still River Shell
5.12.1 Nested Shell Calls 117
5.12.2 Out of Memory - Command
Response 118
5.12.3 Memory Cost 119
Chapter 6 Window Definitions 121
6.1 LIST Presentation 121
6.1.1 LIST Set Window 121
6.1.2 Data Window 122
6.1.3 Command Window 123
6.2 FIND Presentation 124
6.2.1 FIND Set Window 124
6.2.2 Data Window 124
6.2.3 Command Window 126
6.3 TREE Presentation 126
6.3.1 TREE Set Window 126
6.3.2 Data Window 126
6.3.3 Command Window 128
6.4 VIEW Presentation 129
6.5 COPY, DELETE and MOVE Presentation 129
<selected_set> Window 130
6.5.2 Data Window 130
6.5.3 Command Window 131
6.6 Free Memory Display 132
Chapter 7 Shell Work Files 133
Still River Shell
7.1.1 Locating SRCONFIG.DAT 133
7.1.2 Creating SRCONFIG.DAT 134
7.1.3 Creating SRCONFIG Environment
Variable 134
7.1.4 Updating SRCONFIG.DAT 135
Chapter 8 Shell's Messages 137
8.1 Shell Informational Messages 137
8.2 Shell Query Messages 143
Chapter 9 A Little Design Philosophy 147
Still River Shell License
Chapter 1
1.1 Bearer License
This abridged documentation is intended for diskette
distribution with the Still River Shell program. You
may copy and distribute this documentation on
diskette as long as you make no change to the
document or charge a fee beyond media and handling
($9 Max). You may print or make paper copies of this
document for your personal use only.
1.2 User Support
You are welcome to evaluate the Still River Shell on
the condition that, if you become a regular Still
River Shell user, you will register and become a
supporter too. See the Shell's INFO command to find
out how to register; you can use a form on the
following pages.
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Still River Shell License
1.3 Registration Cost and System Updates
You can register in the following ways:
Registration (manual, disk and future m+d update). $59
Registration (manual and disk).................... $39
Registration (disk only).......................... $25
When you register, you always get the latest version
of the Shell and discounts on future orders. If you
get the complete documentation, you will find it adds
a great deal to the value of the Shell. And
registering just may make you feel good. While that
may not be the same as having all your dreams come
true, it beats an election promise by a mile.
From time to time, a new version of the Shell may
become available. If you are a registered user, you
can become a subscriber to the Shell's major update
service. With this service you are automatically
mailed a diskette ($15) or a diskette and manual
($24) for the new version of the Shell as soon as it
is available. A major update might fix bugs, correct
operational problems, enhance features and provide
better size/performance. If you order the manual
update when you register, it costs $20.
Registered User Only: Manual & Disk Update....... $24
Registered User Only: Disk Update ............... $15
When, as a registered user, you order updates, be
sure to note the version of the Shell you have. If
you do not have the latest version, the update will
be sent to you immediately; otherwise, the update
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Still River Shell License
will be sent upon a new major Shell release. You can
register now for $59, get the current program and
manual right away, and receive a future major release
update ($39 Registration + $20 for automatic disk and
manual update). However you choose to register, it
will be greatly appreciated by the authors.
1.4 System Development and User Feedback
The Shell took three and half years to develop thus
far and it continues to undergo further development.
This effort, which includes an extensive design,
programming, beta testing and documentation effort by
systems professionals and end users, produced 14,200
lines of 'C' code, 1,600 lines of assembler code and
17,500 words of documentation. When you combine
Murphy's Law with 15,800 lines of code, long and
painful field tests result. We have taken great care
to release versions of the program which are as bug
free as possible. You can help us by writing to let
us know if you discover a problem with the program or
have an idea of how to improve it.
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Still River Shell License
1.5 Acknowledgments
Thanks to all who helped including the Boston
Computer Society's PC Technical Group which supplied
many of our Beta Testers and much needed
encouragement. The program was written using Lattice
C and Microsoft's Assembler Language. The
documentation was prepared using The FinalWord word
"Bob Howard", whom you may remember as the original
author of this software, is coming out of his shell
to announce that the Still River Shell's authors are
actually Bob Dye and William Howard White. Bob works
for a systems company and Bill is an independent
consulting systems engineer. We have dropped "Bob
Howard" because Bill White, who was "Bob", was
uncomfortable with the arrangement; being more than
one person is harder than you might imagine.
We thank our beta testers for their willingness to be
first and to tell us all about it.
Finally, we thank our registered users for their
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User Registration Form
Please register me as a user/supporter of the Still
River Shell. I understand I will receive the latest
version of the Shell. As a registered user, I can
order disk and manual updates. The complete printed,
bound manual is 5.5 x 8.5 and 160 pp.
NAME____________________________________________ DATE____________
CITY_____________________________________ ST______ ZIP___________
TELEPHONE__________________________________ Shell Version__2.58__
Register Disk/Manual & Update ($59) #______ __________.______
Register Disk/Manual ($39) #______ __________.______
Register Disk Only ($25) #______ __________.______
*Each disk/manual update add ($24) #______ __________.______
*Each disk update add ($15) #______ __________.______
*PO, COD or not US/Canada ($8) __________.______
Total Due __________.______
M/C OR VISA__________________________________ EXP DATE___________
NAME on card_____________________________________________________
CHECK_____ COD (US only)_____ COMPANY PO ________________________
Payable To: Bill White / SR Shell, PO Box 57, Still River, MA 01467
or call 508-456-3699 (MC/VISA or COD)
Corporate Site License Form
Under this license, you may copy and use, on an
UNLIMITED number of systems, the Still River Shell
software and diskette based documentation at one
licensed site specified below. In addition, you may
make UNLIMITED paper copies of the printed manual for
use at the licensed site. You will be sent a copy of
the current version of the software and printed
manual and, at no additional cost, Disk Updates of
the Still River Shell for two years. License cost is
NAME____________________________________________ DATE____________
CITY_____________________________________ ST______ ZIP___________
TELEPHONE__________________________________ Shell Version__2.58__
Total Due $390.00
M/C OR VISA__________________________________ EXP DATE___________
NAME on card_____________________________________________________
CHECK_____ COD (US only)_____ COMPANY PO_________________________
TO: Bill White / SR Shell, PO Box 57, Still River, MA 01467
or call 508-456-3699
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Still River Shell Introduction
Chapter 2
User Guide: Getting Started
2.1 The Still River Shell
The Still River Shell presents an enhanced MS/PC-DOS
environment. The Shell allows the DOS user much
greater efficiency than the standard DOS interface
affords. Typical DOS functions of executing,
finding, copying, moving, deleting and listing of
files and directories can be done with significantly
fewer key strokes when using the Still River Shell.
When you don't have to type commands and file names,
you get things done with greater speed and improved
precision. And the Shell provides a natural,
intuitive interface which makes using DOS both more
fun and more productive.
You save a lot of work and time using the Still River
Shell, not only through the substantial elimination
of command and operand typing, but also because the
Shell combines, in a single context, both the
information to make decisions and the commands
necessary to act on those decisions. For example,
when the Still River Shell shows you a directory
tree, you can do more than just look at it; you can
make, remove and list directories using the same
tree. The Still River Shell allows you to use
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Still River Shell Introduction
directly system information, such as file and
directory lists, without having to copy the data from
the screen and reenter it on your command line. You
can select common commands without typing them. You
can recall, edit and reenter DOS commands from the
Shell's prior DOS command stack. A powerful feature
allows you to define your own extensions to the Still
River Shell's command set. The Shell's full screen,
real time presentation makes it an ideal system
interface for mass storage systems such as the IBM/XT
and IBM/AT.
We could go on about the virtues of the Shell, as we
did in an earlier version of this document, but the
best way to find out about the Shell is to use it.
The Shell is designed to grow on you; you can use the
Shell productively right away while you learn about
its other features. You may find it helpful to
follow along during the demonstration session and to
review briefly the commands in the reference guide.
2.2 Optional Performance Consideration
The Shell's performance, as well as that of many
other programs, is much improved by instructing DOS
to keep a pool of IO Buffers numbering 16 or more.
These buffers, used by DOS to speed up disk reads,
are allocated by DOS at "boot" time either by
default, which gives you only two buffers, or as
specified in the CONFIG.SYS file.
Either edit an existing CONFIG.SYS file or, if there
is none, create a new one. The CONFIG.SYS file
should be in the root directory (\). The CONFIG.SYS
should read in part:
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Still River Shell Introduction
If you prepare that file now, we can BOOT under our
new configuration. If you do not wish to do it now,
try to remember to do it later.
2.3 Note of Caution
The Still River Shell is a powerful system utility
and you should take care when using it. While the
Shell has had significant design work to help insure
proper operation as well as extensive ALPHA and BETA
testing to insure its proper execution, the Shell,
like all programs, can fail, or a user, like all
users, can err. Operation of the Shell is at the
user's risk.
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Still River Shell Introduction
2.4 Installation
2.4.1 Program Installation
You install the Still River Shell on your system disk
by copying the program (SR.EXE) to whatever directory
you normally use to store your utility programs. For
places the Shell in the <\BIN> directory on drive C:.
Whatever directory you choose, it should be in the
DOS PATH so the Shell can be executed from any
location on your system.
2.4.2 Starting the Shell
You start the Shell by entering:
SR [<file_set>] [/B]
SR Starts the Shell and lists all files in
the current directory.
<file_set> An optional <file_set> specification
with which you can indicate the drive,
directory and file list you wish the
Shell to use instead of the default
drive, current directory and <*.*> file
list. For example:
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Still River Shell Introduction
Starts the Shell as well as changes the
default drive to <A:>, the current
directory to <\MYDIR> and lists all
<.BAT> files in the <\MYDIR> directory.
/B The optional BIOS switch tells the Shell
to use the slower BIOS screen I/O
because your system is not compatible
with the IBM-PC. Do not use the </B>
switch unless the Shell fails to
function without it.
2.4.3 When To Start The Shell
You start the Shell as you would start any other
normal program on your system. The Shell is NOT a
terminate and stay resident (TSR) program; so, you
start the Shell after you have started any TSR
program such as SIDEKICK or SMARTKEY. And when you
exit the Shell, it returns all memory it used, a
minimum of about 92K bytes, to the system.
2.4.4 How to Use The Shell
You can use the Shell as an Ad Hoc utility, starting
it to perform a function and then exiting the
program. Or, you can use it as a true shell:
performing all your DOS work and running your other
1. See the appendix Shell Work Files and the OPTIONS
command for additional information about Shell start
up, configuration and DOS environment usage.
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Still River Shell Introduction
programs from the Shell. In fact, many users start
using the Shell in the first mode and then, gradually
over time, use the Shell more and more until they
hardly ever leave it.
2.5 Documentation Organization
The large amount of documentation for the Shell does
not mean the Shell is hard to use. In fact, the
short tutorial section, which guides you through a
practice session with the Shell, is all you need to
be a novice Shell user. The rest of the
documentation is reference sections where detailed
information about the Shell's many features are
organized for easy access.
The following syntax is used:
<SRF1.BAT> Upper-case letters mean "exactly"; in
this case: "SRF1.BAT".
<filename> Lower-case letters mean a syntactic
variable; in other words, any file
[/V] Brackets indicate the "/V" is optional.
<CR> Means the carriage return key.
CR<CR> Means the letters "CR" followed by a
carriage return.
<ALT>+<F> Means hold down the <ALT> key and enter
the <F> key at the same time.
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Still River Shell Introduction
<key_words> You may find it a bit awkward to read
sentences with key words noted this way;
we hope this is offset by the improved
precision achieved.
<COPY> <filename> [/Q]<CR>
Is read: the copy command, space, any
file name, space, an optional parameter
"/Q" and then carriage return.
2.6 Demonstration Sessions
2.6.1 Set Up
Please prepare a diskette with no files on it; we
will use this diskette as our practice area. You
will find it best to use a printed copy of the
demonstration session steps. Mount the diskette on
Drive A.
Now, select the system default drive and a directory
with at least 25 files, the more the better, as the
current default directory. You can do this when you
start the Shell by specifying:
SR <a_big_dir> start the Shell (SR)
select current directory (<a_big_dir>)
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Still River Shell Demonstration Sessions
2.6.2 Initial Screen
When the Shell starts, it presents the initial
command selection screen.
As you can see, there are three main areas, or
windows, on the initial screen:
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| SET | DATA |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
- List Set Window on the left is used to list the
selected set of files and directories,
- Data Window on the right contains summary
information about the <default_drive>,
<selected_directory> and <selected_set> or other
context sensitive data.
- Command Window at the bottom of the screen is
used to select and to enter commands as well as
to receive responses and obtain help.
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Still River Shell Demonstration Sessions
2.6.3 Using the <selector>
Among the <selected_set> of files in the upper left
Set List Window, one file is highlighted by a
<selector> bar. The <selector> indicates the
<selected_file>. You make any file in the
<selected_set> list the <selected_file> by moving the
<selector> to the file with cursor control keys, in
this case: <UP/DOWN_CURSOR> <PGDN> <PGUP> <HOME>
<END>. Changing the position of the <selector>
allows you to scroll through your file list. At this
time, press and hold the <DOWN_CURSOR> key to move
the <selector> from the top of the list to the
bottom. At bottom, enter <HOME> to return to top of
the list; use all the <selector> movement keys. The
following sample operations illustrate the use of the
<selector> and the significance of the
2.6.4 Setting the Color Options
When the Shell starts for the first time on a system,
its color options are set to black and white. There
are Shell options for monochrome and graphic/color
displays. During this session, we will adjust the
color on color/graphic monitors only; monochrome
options, such as a more muted <selector>
presentation, are addressed by the OPTIONS command.
If you do not have a color monitor or do not wish to
adjust the colors used by the Shell, proceed to the
next section Sample Session - Sample 1.
To see and set Shell options:
1. You select a command by entering the letter,
upper or lower case, equal to the upper case
- 16 -
Still River Shell Demonstration Sessions
letter in the command name in the Command
Window. In this case, enter the letter <O> to
select the OTHER command.
2. Enter <O> again to select the OPTIONS command;
you should see the Shell's options displayed.
To set the colors you prefer:
1. Enter the <DOWN_CURSOR> key several times and
move the <selector> bar to the first color
option, OPTION (12).
2. Enter <C> to select the CHANGE command. Each
time you enter <C> the background color should
change. Keep entering <C> until the background
color is what you prefer.
3. Move the <selector> down to the next color
options and change them as well.
Note: you can move back and forth among the
color options making changes until the colors
are best for you.
4. Enter <S> to SAVE the color options. From now
on, the Shell will use the saved color
configuration until you change it again.
5. Enter <ESC> to return to the command selection
2.6.5 Sample Session - Sample 1
Now that you have the Shell started, try the
following Shell operations:
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Still River Shell Demonstration Sessions
To copy a file from the <selected_set> to the
practice diskette, perform the following steps:
1. You select a command by entering the letter,
upper or lower case, equal to the upper case
letter in the command name in the Command
Window. In the case of COPY, enter the letter
Note: the <selected_command> and the
<selected_file> appear on the command input
line in the Command Window and the syntax of
the COPY command appears in the help line.
2. Move the file <selector>, the highlighted bar
across the <selected_file> in the file list,
with the <UP/DOWN_CURSOR> keys to the file you
wish to copy.
Note: the first operand on the command line
changes as you move the <selector>.
3. Enter the <to_file> operand on the command
line, in this case, <A:>. For example:
4. Enter <CR> to execute the command. Note:
^ ok
in the response line below the command line
indicates the copy was completed successfully.
To copy another file to A:,
1. Move the file <selector> to the next file you
wish to copy.
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Still River Shell Demonstration Sessions
2. Enter <CR> to execute the copy.
3. Enter <ESC> to return to command selection.
To edit the command line to copy all files of a
specific extension, e.g. <.BAT>
1. Enter <C> to select the COPY command.
2. Enter <A:> to specify the <to_file>.
3. Enter <LEFT_CURSOR> key to position the command
line cursor at the first letter of the
<from_file> in the command text. For example:
4. Delete the first part of the filename by
entering <DEL> until the <from_file> is deleted
up to the period changing <LAST.BAT> to
5. Enter <*> so the command line reads:
6. Enter <CR> to execute the copy; the Shell
executes the entire command line even though
the cursor is not at the end of the line.
Note: the copy command places a list of the
files copied in the Set List Window.
7. Enter <ESC> to erase the list of copied files
and to return to command selection.
To copy most but not all files in the directory:
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Still River Shell Demonstration Sessions
1. Move the file <selector> to the first file you
will NOT copy.
2. Enter <SPACE_BAR> to tag the file you do NOT
want to copy.
3. Repeat the first two steps until all the files
you do NOT want to copy are tagged.
4. Enter <ALT>+<F> to flip the tag for all files
in the <selected_set>.
5. Enter <C> to select COPY. The following
command line should appear:
COPY {} _
Note: the <tag_set> symbol, <{}>, appears and
stands for the <tag_set>.
6. Enter <A:> to set <to_file>.
7. Enter <CR> to copy of all tagged files.
Note: if the Shell finds that a file you wish
to copy already exists in the target directory,
the Shell prompts you for a decision; respond
by entering <Y>.
8. Enter <ESC> to erase the list of copied files
and to return to command selection.
To List a new current directory:
1. Enter <L> to select LIST command.
2. Enter <directory_name>. For example:
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Still River Shell Demonstration Sessions
3. Enter <CR> to execute the change directory and
list all files in the new directory.
To enter and execute a command under DOS:
1. Enter <X> to select the EXECUTE DOS (XDOS)
command presentation.
Note: you should see a DOS command line with
the current drive and current directory appear:
2. Enter the following command under DOS:
3. Enter <CR> to execute the command line under
4. Enter <DATE><CR> to execute another command
under DOS.
5. Respond to DATE's prompt with a <CR>.
To recall your prior DOS commands:
1. Enter the <UP_CURSOR> twice. You should see
the DATE command and then the DIR command.
Note: the Shell saves about 20 of your prior
commands on its command stack for recall, edit
and execution.
2. Move the cursor to the first <*> and delete
<*.*> with <DEL>.
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Still River Shell Demonstration Sessions
3. Replace the deleted operand with the
<selected_file> by entering the <INS> key.
4. Enter <CR> to execute the edited command line.
5. Enter <ESC> to return to command selection.
To delete some of the files, created after some date,
on drive A:
1. Enter <S> to select the SORT command.
2. Enter <D> to sort the <selected_set> by
3. Enter <L> to select the LIST command.
4. Enter <A:> to select a new DOS default drive to
A:. For example:
5. Enter <CR> to change <default_drive>, list all
files on drive A:'s current directory.
6. Move the file <selector> to a file to be
7. Enter <D> to select the DELETE command.
8. Enter <CR> to delete the <selected_file>.
Note: the deleted file is removed from the file
list and new <selected_file> appears on the
command line.
9. Move the file <selector> to the next file to be
- 22 -
Still River Shell Demonstration Sessions
10. Enter <CR> to delete the new <selected_file>.
11. Enter <ESC> to return to command selection.
12. Enter <S> to select the SORT command.
13. Enter <E> to sort the <selected_set> by
To delete many files in a directory:
1. Move the file <selector> to a file to be
2. Enter <SPACE_BAR> to tag the <selected_file>.
3. Repeat the last two steps until all files you
wish to delete are tagged.
4. Enter <D> to select the DELETE command. You
should see:
Note: the <tag_set> symbol, <{}>, stands for
all tagged files.
5. Enter <CR> to delete the tagged files.
6. Enter <ESC> to erase the list of deleted files
and to return to command selection.
To display a tree of directories.
1. Enter <P> to select PREVIOUS which returns us
to our previous LIST <selected_set> and
- 23 -
Still River Shell Demonstration Sessions
Note: in this case, the Shell should also
return us to the C: drive.
2. Enter <T> to select the TREE command.
3. Enter <CR> to display a tree of the current
directory and all its subdirectories.
Note: if the <selector> is on a directory
entry, the <CR> causes a tree of the
<selected_directory> to be created.
4. Enter <U> to move up the tree and display a
tree of the parent directory of the current
5. Keep entering <U> until you see a tree of the
root directory, <\>, and all directories on the
6. Move <selector>; notice that information in the
data window reports information on the
<selected_directory> and its subdirectories as
well as the parent directory and all
directories in the tree.
7. Enter <HOME> to move the <selector> to the root
directory at the top of the tree.
To make and remove a directory:
1. Enter <M> to select the MAKE command to make a
subdirectory in the <selected_directory>.
2. Enter <AAAATEST> so the command line looks
- 24 -
Still River Shell Demonstration Sessions
3. Enter <CR> to execute the MAKE command. You
should see the new directory appear in the
directory tree.
4. Move the <selector> to the <AAAATEST>
5. Enter <R> to select the REMOVE command. You
should see the <AAAATEST> directory disappear
from the tree.
Note: You can not remove a directory which has
files in it.
To list a directory in the tree.
1. Move the <selector> to a directory you wish to
look at.
2. Enter <L> to select the LIST command. You
should see a listing of the
If you are still with us at this point, take a quick
break and then move on to some additional examples.
2.6.6 Sample Session - Sample 2
To execute the <selected_file> under DOS by hitting a
single <function_key> <Fn>.
1. Enter <ESC> while in command selection and the
Shell should prompt:
- 25 -
Still River Shell Demonstration Sessions
Exit the Still River Shell? (y/n) _
2. Enter <Y> to exit the Shell.
3. Create <function_key> <command_server> file,
whose name is passed by the Shell to DOS when
its corresponding <function_key> is entered.
In this case, create the file <SRF1.BAT> in the
DOS PATH or the current directory. The
<command_server> file <SRF1.BAT> should
4. After you have created <SRF1.BAT>, enter the
following command to start the Shell.
5. Move the file <selector> to the program or
batch file you wish to execute.
6. Enter the <function_key> <F1>.
7. The Shell constructs a command line including
the <command_server> file name, in this case
<SRF1>, and the <shell_state> whose fourth (%4)
and fifth (%5) replaceable parameters are the
file name and extension of the
8. The Shell passes the command line to DOS.
9. DOS executes SRF1.BAT.
10. In turn, the SRF1.BAT file passes the
<selected_file> name (%4.%5) to DOS for
- 26 -
Still River Shell Demonstration Sessions
11. When the program ends and the Shell displays a
DOS command line prompt, enter <ESC> to return
to the Shell's command selection.
To edit the <selected_file> with your editor by
entering a single <function_key> <Fn>.
Note: your editor must be able to accept a file
name on its start command line for this example
to work.
1. Enter <ESC> while in the command selection
2. The Shell should prompt:
Exit the Still River Shell? (y/n) _
3. Enter <Y> to exit the Shell.
4. Create the file SRF2.BAT in the DOS PATH which
<your_editor_name> %4.%5
5. Enter the following command to start the
6. Move the file <selector> to the file you wish
to edit.
7. Enter the <function_key> <F2>.
8. The Shell passes SRF2 and the <shell_state>
including <selected_file> name (%4) and the
<selected_file> extension (%5) to DOS.
- 27 -
Still River Shell Demonstration Sessions
9. In turn, SRF2.BAT causes DOS to execute your
editor with the <selected_file> on the command
10. When you complete the edit, enter <ESC> to
return to command selection.
To edit most files among several directories which
have a <text_string> in common.
Note: your editor must be able to accept a full
path name for the next example to work.
1. Move the <selector> to the SRF2.BAT file you
2. Enter <function_key> <F2> to edit SRF2.BAT
3. Modify the file SRF2.BAT so it contains:
<your_editor_name> %2:%3%4.%5
4. Exit your editor.
5. Enter <ESC> to return to command selection.
6. Enter <F> to select the FIND command.
7. Enter the <file_set> and <find_text> and the
VIEW option.
FIND *.bat copy /v
Note: the FIND command is case sensitive and
- 28 -
Still River Shell Demonstration Sessions
the data you enter appears in lower case.
8. Enter <CR> to execute the FIND command.
Note: the FIND searches all directories on the
current drive for any file with the <.BAT>
extension. When a <.BAT> file is found and it
contains the text "copy", the Shell enters VIEW
and positions you at the first <find_text> in
the <found_file>.
9. Examine the <found_file> with VIEW to decide if
you want to edit it or not.
10. Enter <Y> or <N> to add, or not, this file to
the FIND <selected_set> and exit the VIEW
presentation. In this case, enter <Y>.
11. FIND will now continue the search and you
repeat the last two steps until all files are
found and viewed.
12. Enter <ALT>+<G> to tag all files in the FIND
13. Enter <function_key> <F2> to execute the
<command_server> file SRF2.BAT passing the
<shell_state>, including the <selected_drive>
(%2), <selected_dir> (%3) and a
<tagged_filename> (%4.%5), as a parameters to
your editor named in SRF2.BAT.
Note: depending on your Shell's configuration,
2. See the FIND command for details.
- 29 -
Still River Shell Demonstration Sessions
the Shell either immediately passes the
<shell_state> to DOS with the name for the
<command_server>, or the Shell prompts you
about passing a <tag_set> member to DOS as the
<shell_state>. When the command line executes,
it calls your editor including a tagged file
name passed by the Shell.
14. When you finish editing the file and exit your
editor, the next tagged file is processed in
turn until each file in the <tag_set> is passed
as the state of the Shell.
15. After you edit the last tagged file, enter
<ESC> to return the FIND command selection
16. Enter <ESC> to return to the LIST command
selection presentation.
To archive multiple files in a directory without
setting up a <command_server> file.
1. Tag all files you wish to archive.
2. Enter <X> to select the XDOS command.
3. Enter the command line, for ARC it is:
Note: if you do not have the ARC.EXE program,
use the command line just to see how the Shell
handles it.
3. See the OPTIONS, XDOS and <Fn> commands.
- 30 -
Still River Shell Demonstration Sessions
4. Enter <CR> to execute the command line.
5. The Shell executes the command line for each
tagged file, substituting a tagged file name
for the <%6> on the command line as the Shell
passes the command line to DOS.
There is a lot more to the Shell than we can show you
in a few sample sessions. Next, read the Command
Usage chapter; then, read the definitions and
examples, found in the chapter Shell Commands, for
the commands you plan to use. After you use the
Shell a bit and are ready to enhance your Shell
usage, read the chapter Shell Techniques. If you
have a question about the meaning of a data field in
a Shell display, you can find it in the chapter
Window Definitions; all Shell messages can be found
in the chapter Message Summary. When you want to
look something up, use the index!
Finally, we hope you enjoy your evaluation of Shell.
When you become convinced the Shell has made your DOS
life easier and you use the Shell regularly, help
underwrite the development of the Shell by taking
time to register. Protect your Karma; register
today. If you have registered already, thank you for
your support.
- 31 -
Still River Shell Demonstration Sessions
- 32 -
Still River Shell Command Usage
Chapter 3
User Guide: Command Usage
The following chapter describes, in general, features
and characteristics of Shell commands. If you have
not done so already, you should go through the Shell
Demonstration Sessions before reading the material
that follows.
3.1 Usage
3.1.1 Command Syntax
All commands conform to standard DOS syntax.
3.1.2 Command Window
The Command Window appears at the bottom of the
screen and consists of three lines:
- Line 1: The command selection and command edit
- Line 2: The response line.
- 33 -
Still River Shell Command Usage
- Line 3: The help line.
3.1.3 Command Set
In addition to the Still River Shell commands, you
can execute any command under DOS from within the
Shell. You can recall prior DOS commands, edit and
execute them using the Still River Shell's XDOS
command presentation. You can execute a user defined
<command_server> program or batch file with a
3.1.4 Command Selection
A Shell command is selected by entering the letter,
upper or lower case, which is equal to the capital
letter in the commands displayed in the Command
Selection Line. Another method is to use the
<LEFT/RIGHT_CURSOR> to move the command <selector> to
the desired command and then enter <CR>. The
function of the highlighted command appears in the
help line.
3.1.5 Command Edit
When a command is selected, the command selection
line is replaced by the command edit line, and the
syntax of the <selected_command> appears in the help
line. Unless the command executes immediately upon
selection, you can edit the command line as follows:
Inserts character at the current cursor
- 34 -
Still River Shell Command Usage
Deletes the character to the left of the
cursor and moves the remainder of the
command line, from the current cursor
position, one position to the left.
Kills the current command line except
for the command.
<CR> Executes the command line. The complete
command line is executed without regard
to where the current cursor position is
when the <CR> is entered.
<DEL> Deletes the character at the current
cursor position and moves the remainder
of the command line, at the right of the
cursor, one position to the left.
<ESC> Escapes from the command line edit
presentation and returns to the command
selection presentation.
<INS> Inserts the <selected_file> at the
cursor position.
<ALT>+<I> Inserts the full path name of the
<selected_file> at the cursor position.
Moves the cursor without affecting the
Moves the cursor one word left/right
without affecting the data.
- 35 -
Still River Shell Command Usage
Replaces the first operand of the
command with the highlighted
<selected_file> or <selected_directory>
independent of the current cursor
position unless a <tag_set> exists.
3.1.6 Command Edit When Tagging
When a tag sensitive command is selected and a
<tag_set> exists among the <selected_set>, the
command line appears as follows:
COPY {} _
If the <UP/DOWN_CURSOR> keys are used, the <tag_set>
on the command line is not replaced by the
<selected_file>. If the <tag_set> symbol, "{}", is
edited to any other value, the operand is treated as
a file name. If a first operand file name is edited
to "{}", then the <tag_set> is used. If no <tag_set>
exists, then the following error message appears.
COPY {} A:_
^ file not found
4. See the XDOS command for a different use of the
<UP/DOWN_CURSOR> keys during DOS command line
- 36 -
Still River Shell Command Usage
3.1.7 Command Execution
Unless the <selected_command> executes immediately,
the <CR> is used to execute the command line. The
entire command line is executed without regard to
where the cursor is located when the <CR> is
entered. Command execution is halted with the <ESC>
which always escapes the current Shell process.
3.1.8 Command Execution When Tagging
When tag sensitive commands (COPY, DELETE, MOVE, XDOS
and <function_key> <Fn>) execute and a <tag_set>
exists and is specified, the <tag_set> is treated as
a generic file specification as <*> and <?>. Each
member of the <tag_set> is acted upon by the
3.1.9 Command Response
Usually, the <selected_command>'s execution causes
one or more messages to appear on the response line.
The message either indicates successful completion,
points out an error or prompts you for a decision
about the execution of the command. The Shell's
display is updated in real time during command
5. See the TAG command for more details.
- 37 -
Still River Shell Command Usage
3.1.10 Command File Set
A command's <file_set> is the proposed set of
objects, files or directories, for the command. The
<file_set> can be a specific file, such as
<SOMEFILE.EXT>, or a generic file specification, such
as <*.BAT>.
3.1.11 Command Selected Set
A command's <selected_set> consists of those objects,
files or directories, which are affected by the
command's execution based on the <file_set>
specification. A <file_set> specifies a possible set
and the <selected_set> is the actual set that
results. When the COPY, DELETE and MOVE commands
have a <file_set> specified by a generic name (* or
?), the Shell displays the names of the
<selected_set> of files in the Set List Window as the
command operation completes for each file matching
the command <file_set>. In the list generating
commands LIST, FIND and TREE, the <file_set>
specification generates a <selected_set> list which
can be the object of additional Shell commands.
3.1.12 Command Extensions
While the Shell commands operate as their MS/PC-DOS
counterparts, certain Shell commands have helpful
extra features.
- 38 -
Still River Shell Command Usage Query
When wild card values <?> or <*> are used to specify
a generic file name, a <selected_set> is created of
all files affected by the command. If the Query
Option is in effect, you are prompted prior to
execution of each member of the <selected_set> or
not. For example, if you enter:
Prompts you:
^ delete SOMEFILE.BAT ? (y/n) Medium Replacement
When you write to a drive under the Shell and the
object file does not fit on the target drive, the
Shell allows you to change medium, usually a
diskette, and resume the operation at the point
interrupted by the out of space event, helpful when
you have to copy a hard disk directory whose files
require several diskettes.
COPY *.* A:
^insufficient space; retry on new disk? (y/n)
- 39 -
Still River Shell Command Usage Target File Protection
Normally under the Shell, whenever a file is to be
copied onto an existing file, the Shell prompts to
determine if you wish to write on the existing file,
for example:
^ \DIR1\RUN.BAT exists; write? (y/n)
The directory attributes of both the <to_file> and
the <from_file> are displayed in the Data Window as
you are prompted for a decision.
3.1.13 File Tagging (Hidden)
You can execute the following tag commands at any
time during command selection in either the LIST or
FIND <selected_set> presentations even though they do
not appear on the command selection line:
<SPACE_BAR> Flips the tag state of the
<ALT>+<G> Tags all files in the <selected_set>.
<ALT>+<D> Deletes tags on all files in the
<ALT>+<F> Flips tag state of all files in the
- 40 -
Still River Shell Command Usage
3.1.14 User Defined Commands
You can extend the Still River Shell's command set
with your own defined <command_server> batch files or
programs. When you enter a <function_key> <Fn>, the
Shell will pass to DOS a command line with the name
of the <command_server> for the <function_key> and
the state of the Shell as a set of parameters.
6. See the <function_key> command and <function_key>
usage under Shell Techniques for addition about the
<function_key> user defined commands and key
assignment protocol.
- 41 -
Still River Shell Command Usage
- 42 -
Still River Shell Shell Commands
Chapter 4
Shell Commands
The following is a description of all the Still River
Shell commands. If you have not done so already, you
should go through the Shell Demonstration Sessions
before reading the material that follows.
- 43 -
Still River Shell ATTR
4.1 ATTR
Command ATTR
Function The ATTR (Attribute) command, a
subcommand of OTHER, changes the
attributes of the <selected_file>.
Operand 1 None.
Operation The ATTR command presents a set of
subcommands which turn on and off the
attributes of the <selected_file>.
4.1.1 ARCHIVE, subcommand
ARCHIVE Flips the archive attribute of the
4.1.2 HIDDEN, subcommand
HIDDEN Flips the hidden attribute of the
4.1.3 READ-ONLY, subcommand
READ-ONLY Flips the read only attribute of the
- 44 -
Still River Shell ATTR
4.1.4 SYSTEM, subcommand
SYSTEM Flips the system attribute of the
Options None.
- 45 -
Still River Shell CHDIR
Command CHDIR
Function To change the current directory under
the Shell, use the LIST command or the
LIST subcommand of the TREE command or
the LIST subcommand of the FIND
Operand 1
- 46 -
Still River Shell COPY
4.3 COPY
Command COPY <from_file_set> [<to_file_set>]
Function The COPY command copies the entire
contents of the <from_file> creating a
new <to_file>.
Operand 1 <from_file_set> Any standard DOS file
Operand 2 <to_file_set> Any standard DOS file
specification or blank.
Copies FILEA to FILEB in the current
Copies all files in the current
directory with an <.ASM> extension to
the <\SAVE> directory.
If there is no more room on the target
disk, the copy prompts:
- 47 -
Still River Shell COPY
^ insufficient space; retry on new disk? (y/n)
If you change the diskette and enter
<Y>, the COPY will resume copying the
<selected_set> starting with the
complete interrupted file that did not
fit on the prior medium. You may use as
many media as you need to complete the
<selected_set> COPY.
If you wish to concatenate files, use
the DOS COPY command.
Options Option (1) Write on existing files
Option (3) or </Q> Query on multiple
Option (11) Repetitive execution with
Option (16) Query for each repetitive
execution with TAG.
7. See the chapter Window Definitions for more about
command execution and presentation.
8. See the OPTION Command
- 48 -
Still River Shell DELETE
Command DELETE <file_set> [/Q]<CR>
Function The DELETE command deletes all files
which match the <file_set>
Operand 1 <file_set> Any standard DOS file
Operation DELETE *.ASM
Deletes files in the current directory
with an <.ASM> extension. When a wild
card, <*> or <?>, is used in the file
name, the set of deleted files is
presented in the Set Window.
DELETE <selected_file>
Deletes the highlighted, <selected_file>
in the current set window. After the
<selected_file> is deleted, an adjacent
file is selected as the new
<selected_file> in both the Set Window
and the command line.
9. See the chapter Window Definitions for more about
command execution and presentation.
- 49 -
Still River Shell DELETE
Options Option (3) or </Q> Query on multiple
Option (11) Repetitive execution with
Option (16) Query for each repetitive
execution with TAG.
- 50 -
Still River Shell Other Shell Commands
User Guide: Other Still River Commands
FIND The FIND command creates an ordered
list, the FIND <selected_set>, of all
files found matching the <file_set> and
<find_text>. Searches one or all disks
as well as all, subtree or one directory
for one or more files using either file
name and/or text with case sensitivity
or not. Optionally, displays each found
file with VIEW for user set selection.
INFO The INFO command, subcommand of OTHER,
displays license information including
our address, how to register and order
the latest versions of the Still River
Shell program and its unabridged,
printed documentation.
LIST The LIST command presents an ordered
list of files and subdirectories, the
<selected_set>, from the
<selected_directory> based on the
<file_set> specification. In addition,
the LIST command sets the system's
default drive and current directory to a
specified drive or directory.
MOVE The MOVE command establishes the entire
contents of the <from_file> under the
identity of a new <to_file> name and
deletes the <from_file>.
OPTIONS The OPTIONS, subcommand of OTHER,
command shows and sets the values of
Shell system options.
PREVIOUS The PREVIOUS command displays the
previous <selected_file_set> list.
RENAME To rename a file, use the Shell's MOVE
SORT The SORT command sorts the current LIST
<selected_set> and sets future LIST's
sort criteria.
TAG TAG allows you to select a <tag_set>
from among a LIST <selected_set> or FIND
(Details included in unabridged, printed documentation only)
Still River Shell Other Shell Commands
UP The UP command makes the parent
directory of the current directory the
new current directory and lists its
VIEW The VIEW command displays the contents
of a file in either character or
hexadecimal format; does search in hex
or character.
WRITE The WRITE command copies the
<selected_set> list, created by the LIST
or FIND commands, to the <to_file>.
WRITE is a subcommand of OTHER and
XDOS The XDOS (execute DOS) command allows
you to enter and execute commands under
DOS from the Shell; execute commands
for tagged files with symbol replacement;
recall and edit prior DOS commands.
<Fn> The <function_key> <Fn> executes a
command line under DOS including a key
dependent command name followed by the
state of the Shell as parameters.
(Details included in unabridged, printed documentation only)
Still River Shell Shell Techniques
Chapter 5
User Guide: Still River Shell Techniques
(Included in unabridged, printed documentation only)
- 97 -
Still River Shell Window Definitions
Chapter 6
Window Definitions
(Included in unabridged, printed documentation only)
- 121 -
Still River Shell Shell Work Files
Chapter 7
Shell Work Files
(Included in unabridged, printed documentation only)
- 133 -
Still River Shell Shell's Messages
Chapter 8
Shell's Messages
(Included in unabridged, printed documentation only)
- 137 -
Still River Shell Design Philosophy
Chapter 9
A Little Design Philosophy
(Included in unabridged, printed documentation only)
- 147 -
Still River Shell
/Q 66
/V 28, 84
<ALT> 93
<ALT>+<D> 40
<ALT>+<F> 40
<ALT>+<G> 29, 40
<ALT>+<I> 35
<ALT>+DETAG, subcommand of TAG 80
<ALT>+FLIP, subcommand of TAG 80
<ALT>+TAG, subcommand of TAG 80
<case>, <Fn> 93
<command_server> 98
<CR> 13, 35
<CR>, subcommand of VIEW 87
<CTRL> 93
<CTRL>+<K> 35
<default_drive> 15
<DEL> 35
<END> 16, 36
<ESC> 35, 37, 90
<file_set> 11, 28, 38
<find_text> 28, 51, 85
<found_text> 85
<function_key> <Fn> 25, 27, 28, 34, 37, 41, 68, 93,
97, 98, 105
<function_key> <Fn>, <command_server> file 26
<function_key> <Fn>, <tag_set> option 69
<function_key> <Fn>, <tag_set> query option 71
<function_key> <Fn>, LIST 98
<function_key> <Fn>, query 144
Still River Shell
<function_key> <Fn>, saving list 141
<function_key> <Fn>, TAG 105
<HOME> 16, 36
<INS> 35
<NL>, New Line 86
<PGDN> 16, 36
<PGUP> 16, 36
<range_set> 81
<selected_command> 18
<selected_file> 18
<selected_set> 15, 38
<selected_set>, COPY 130
<selected_set>, DELETE 130
<selected_set>, FIND 124
<selected_set>, LIST 121
<selected_set>, MOVE 130
<selected_set>, TREE 126
<selected_set>, window 130
<selector> 16, 18
<selector>, position option 68
<SHIFT> 93
<SPACE_BAR>, subcommand of TAG 81
<tag_set> 30, 37, 79, 103
<tag_set>, "{}" 36, 104
<tag_set>, <function_key> 93
<tag_set>, commands using 103
<UP/DOWN_CURSOR> 16, 21, 35, 90
AGAIN, subcommand of VIEW 85
ARCHIVE, subcommand of ATTR 44
ATTR 44, 73
ATTR, subcommand of OTHER 73
ATTRIBUTE, subcommand of SORT 77
case translation, option 66
CHANGE, subcommand of OPTIONS 63
Color, setting 16, 70
Still River Shell
Command Line, edit 19, 34
Command Line, edit with tagging 36, 104
Command Window 15
Command Window, COPY, DELETE and MOVE 131
Command Window, FIND 126
Command Window, LIST 123
Command Window, TREE 128
Command, <file_set> 38
Command, <function_key> <Fn> 97
Command, <selected_set> 38
Command, execution 37
Command, execution with tagging 37, 104
Command, extensions 38
Command, help 34
Command, hidden 40
Command, line clear 35
Command, query 39
Command, response 37
Command, selection 34, 121, 129
Command, selection screen 15
Command, selection when tagging 40
Command, set 34
Command, summary 43
Command, syntax 33
Command, tag sensitive 37
Command, user defined 41
Command, user key definition 99
Command, user key definition help 100
Command, Window 33
Confirmation, Option 68
COPY 18, 19, 47
COPY <selected_set> 130
COPY, directory backup 112
COPY, directory restore 112
COPY, file concatenation 48
Data Window 15
Data Window, COPY, DELETE and MOVE 130
Data Window, FIND 124
Data Window, LIST 122
Still River Shell
Data Window, TREE 126
DATE/TIME, subcommand of SORT 77
DELETE 22, 49
DELETE <selected_set> 130
Demonstration Sessions 14
DETAG, subcommand of TAG 80
Directory, backup 112
Directory, rename 113
Directory, restore 112
Disk, performance 9, 116
Diskette, replacement 39, 111
DOS Command Interface 89
DOS, environment variable SRCONFIG 63, 134
DOS, SET command 63, 134
EXTENSION, subcommand of SORT 77
File, edit 101
File, execute 101
File, print 100
File, protection 40, 64
File, transmit 101
Files, Shell work 133
FinalWord 4
FIND <selected_set>, confirmation 68
FIND Set Window 124
FIND, <selected_set> 51, 68, 124
FIND, subcommand of VIEW 85
FIND, windows 124
FLIP, subcommand of TAG 80
formatting 116
Free Memory 119
Function Keys, see <function_key> <Fn> 93
Help 102
HEX, subcommand of VIEW 86
HIDDEN, subcommand of ATTR 44
INFO, subcommand of OTHER 56, 73
Installing the Shell 11
insufficient space 39
Lattice C 4
License 1
Still River Shell
LIST 20, 57
LIST <selected_set> 121
List Set Window 15, 121
LIST, <function_key> 98
LIST, option 66
List, saving 114
LIST, subcommand of TREE 82
LIST, windows 121
MAKE 113
MAKE, subcommand of TREE 82
media replacement 39
Memory 117
Memory, free 71, 119
Memory, out of 118
Messages, informational 137
Messages, query 143
MOVE 60, 108, 113
MOVE <selected_set> 130
NAME, subcommand of SORT 78
Nesting Calls 117
Options, color 16
OPTIONS, subcommand of OTHER 62, 73
PATH 11, 91
PHYSICAL, subcommand of SORT 78
Printed Documentation 1
Printed Documentation, order 56
PRV 75
Query 39
RANGE, subcommand of TAG 81
READ, subcommand of OPTIONS 63
READ-ONLY, subcommand of ATTR 44
REMOVE, subcommand of TREE 83
RENAME, directory 113
RENAME, files 60
Sample Operations 17, 25
SAVE, subcommand of OPTIONS 64
Screen Colors, setting 16, 70
Still River Shell
Screen, restore 110
Second Operand, selection 108
Set List Window 79
Set Window, FIND 124
Set Window, LIST 121
Set Window, TREE 126
shared logic 115
Shell Files, work 133
Shell Screen, organization 15
Shell, performance 9
SIZE, subcommand of SORT 78
SORT, default criteria 67
SRFn.BAT 26, 27, 28, 29
SRSTATE.DAT 68, 89, 135
starting the Shell 11, 12
Subtree 126
System Update 1
SYSTEM, subcommand of ATTR 45
TAG 29, 79
Tag Set, see <tag_set> 103
TAG, <function_key> <Fn> 93, 105
TAG, commands using 80
TAG, duration 103
TAG, examples 106
TAG, subcommand of TAG 80
Terminate and Stay Resident programs 12, 91, 139
TREE 23, 82, 113
TREE <selected_set> 126
TREE, windows 126
UP, subcommand of TREE 83
User Registration 2
User Support 1
Using the Shell 12
VIEW 52, 84, 110
View, graphic characters 67
Window, initial 15, 121
Still River Shell
Windows 15, 121, 129
Windows, FIND 124
Windows, LIST 121
Windows, TREE 126
WRITE, subcommand of FIND 53
WRITE, subcommand of OTHER 74
XDOS 21, 68, 89, 110
XDOS, memory usage 119
XDOS, saving list 141
{}, <tag_set> symbol 36, 104